In our modern world, technical surfaces are high demanded. The task of surface technology is to upgrade them and make them functional. It deals with every controlled modification of a component's surface using a variety of technologies for coating, material conversion and material removal processes. The aim is to make surfaces more durable and resistant and to give them tailor-made mechanical, physical and chemical properties.
Research topics
High Velocity Suspension and Solution Flame Spraying (HVSFS, HVSPFS)
Biomedical applications
Manufacturing technologies
- Three spray cabinets equipped with 6-axis handling robots
- HVOF; HVSFS based on TopGun G, HVOLF based on K2,
- APS, SPS based on F6 single cathode, Magnum three cathode torch
- Wire arc spraying
- Spray lacquer techniques
- Oxide, carbide and cermet powder materials
- Metals (powder and wire)
- Organic, anorganic and hybrid polymers
- HVOF = High Velocity Oxy Fuel Spraying
- HVSFS = High Velocity Suspension Flame Spraying
- APS = Atmospheric Plasma Spraying
- SPS = Suspension Plasma Spraying
- HVOLF = High Velocity Oxy Liquid Fuel Spraying
Your contact person

Andreas Killinger
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Assistant Director of the Institute
Head of surface technologies and composites group